Stay inspired
The only podcast completely dedicated to helping good people stay inspired while creating the lives that they deserve.
Each episode focuses on a topic that’s been carefully selected to strengthen key life skills through insightful interviews with empowering guests. Filled with light, love, laughs, and many Ah-ha moments, The Stay Inspired Podcast is a limited edition podcast that will give you the encouragement you need to create the life that you deserve.
50 Dr. Valerie Young - Overcoming Impostor Syndrome
Our guest today is Dr. Valerie Young, an internationally recognized expert on impostor syndrome.
37 What Do You Know?
When was the last time you thought about what you didn’t know? Do you ever feel that you’ve finally reached the end of learning in your field?
31 The Struggle Is Real
Today on The Stay Inspired Podcast, we’re talking about the struggle of everyday life.
28 5 Things That Will Happen On Your Way To Success
How do you know if you’re on the path to really making it? Blazing your own trail is already hard, and sometimes the signs you see might feel like they’re steering you the wrong way. But how can you really know?
23 Keri Nola - The Gift Of Jealousy
Do you remember the last time you were overcome with jealousy? When you were confronted with difficult emotions and pushed them away?
18 When You Get Stuck, Focus On These 3 Things
Do you remember the last time you felt stuck? When you were paralyzed by infinite decisions and didn’t know what to do?
17 The Special Human Superpower that Can Help You Get Anything You Want in Life
You know those mornings. You promised yourself to wake up early so you can tackle the day, but when the alarm buzzer goes off, you’re anything but ready. The bed is warm and the snooze button is so close!
15 How To Stop Your Struggle Story
Today on The Stay Inspired Podcast, we’re going to take on ‘the struggle’ and the negative effects it has on our lives.
14 Do You Know How It Feels To Be Stressed Out, Stressed Out?
How do you deal with a really bad day? Is there a way to avoid the negative spiral and be ready to start tomorrow fresh and new?
13 Stevon Lewis - Want More Success? This Type of Therapy Can Help!
Do you ever feel that you are subject to your emotions and thoughts, rather than being in control of them? This can have a spiraling effect on our emotional wellness, but therapists like our guest today can help us break those patterns and lead a more positive life.
11 Giving Pollyanna Some Props: Down to Earth Reasons for Practicing Positivity
Have you heard of the Pollyanna principle? Did you know that we are more likely to subconsciously focus on noticing more positivity, while our conscious mind will focus more often on the negative?
07 The Art of Joyful Living
Are you a prisoner of your negative thoughts? Do you feel like motivation is hard to come by?
06 Kevin Ross - How Faith Can Help You Create the Life that You Deserve
Today we are joined by Reverend Kevin Ross to talk about how to use faith to stay inspired, while creating a life that you deserve.
03 Marie K. - Balance Your Energy with Yoga
In this episode of The Stay Inspired Podcast, yoga teacher Marie K. will help bring balance to your day with just the calming sound of her voice.
Mindfulness - The REAL Secret Ingredient to Building a Healthy, Happy, and Harmonious Life...
2016 is halfway done, can you believe it?! I’ve really been enjoying being a part of your journey this year. I hope that my words bring a burst of inspiration, motivation, and fun into your world and encourage you to move forward with building the life that you deserve.
Want More Abundance? Start with Your Mind.
I’m really excited about this Month’s Motivating Mindset. I can’t think of anyone who doesn’t want more of this in their lives…. It’s ABUNDANCE!