28 5 Things That Will Happen On Your Way To Success

How do you know if you’re on the path to really making it? Blazing your own trail is already hard, and sometimes the signs you see might feel like they’re steering you the wrong way. But how can you really know?

On this episode of the Stay Inspired Podcast, we’re talking about some of the more difficult things that will happen on your way to success. Many of these things look really bad on the surface, but with some guidance and practice, you will be able to make your outlook more positive and better trust these guideposts.

If you ever ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?” or “Should I really be pursuing this?”, then this is the episode for you. Learn to recognize the mileposts and keep on towards the life that you deserve!

You can subscribe and listen to the Podcast on iTunes, and be sure to leave me a rating and review!

“If you choose to look at things in another way, you can alchemize the experience and turn it into something that will propel you forward instead of something that will hold you back.” - Kongit Farrell

Show Notes:

  • What does the big picture show you?

  • Keep shining!

  • Jealousy can mean you have really inspired somebody

  • Why you may need to surround yourself with different people

  • How to handle the inevitable burnout

  • Being underestimated is a gift (if you know how to use it)

  • Take time to reconnect with your vision

“Sometimes you’ll just have to cry it out, you’ll just have to.” - Kongit Farrell

Links Mentioned:

“There are going to be some things that happen on your way to success that may seem bad, but actually they may be things that are working in your favor.” - Kongit Farrell


29 PJ Dixon - Active Loving


27 Toni Purry - Hyped Up Confidence