15 How To Stop Your Struggle Story

Your family has heard it. Your friends have heard it. Maybe even the barista at your favorite coffee shop has heard it. They are all wondering the same thing: when are you going to be done with your struggle story?

Today on The Stay Inspired Podcast, we're going to take on 'the struggle' and the negative effects it has on our lives. This false narrative can be destructive to our motivation and our ability to focus on the positive parts of our lives, and we will talk about an easy step you can take to start breaking down that struggle story…

You can subscribe and listen to the Podcast on iTunes, and be sure to leave me a rating and review!

"Nobody cares about the struggle story anymore. Nobody wants to hear it, you don’t even want to hear it." - Kongit Farrell

Show Notes:

  • What is really “making it” for you?

  • The biggest step to get you out of your struggle story

  • How you can make your bad experiences lead to changing your narrative

  • Why taking radical personal responsibility is more empowering than it is debilitating

  • Have you given something else more power of your life?

  • How to identify what is holding you back and take control

  • An exercise to start thinking about what you want in your life

  • How to make a plan for your life and take action

  • No excuses!

"It doesn’t matter what is happening in the world, what matters is what you are going to do today." - Kongit Farrell

Links Mentioned:

"Small simple changes done over a period of time consistently can really improve the quality of your life and help you end this struggle story." - Kongit Farrell


16 Word Is Bond


14 Do You Know How It Feels To Be Stressed Out, Stressed Out?