13 Stevon Lewis - Want More Success? This Type of Therapy Can Help!

Do you ever feel that you are subject to your emotions and thoughts, rather than being in control of them? This can have a spiraling effect on our emotional wellness, but therapists like our guest today can help us break those patterns and lead a more positive life.

Stevon Lewis is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Torrance, California, with degrees in Psychology, Afro-Ethnic Studies, and Counseling. For over seven years, Stevon worked as a therapist at a community mental health agency in Long Beach with the families of adolescents involved with the juvenile justice system. He currently works at Woodbury University as the Director of Counseling Services.

Today's show is about how our thoughts direct our outlook on life, and how therapeutic techniques help us stop negative cycles in our subconscious minds. Stevon is truly an expert in the art of harnessing your mind for positive change. In this episode, he will help you get on track to the life that you deserve!

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"We don't get to choose what happens to us, but we do get to choose how we respond." - Stevon Lewis

Show Notes:

  • Why Stevon is a 'rare breed' in his field

  • How a troubled family life shaped Stevon's sense of self

  • The power of a positive outlook on your life

  • Stevon's therapy practice of "bringing awareness"

  • Why a therapist places themselves between our subconscious thoughts

  • How to turn automatic negative thoughts into positive change

  • Choosing a positive outlook is not pie in the sky, it's essential for a joyful life

  • Having a positive attitude can improve your health, mind, relationships and much more

  • What you can do to boost positivity on a day-to-day basis

  • Always ask for the evidence... to challenge your negative thoughts

"While things may not be currently the way I want them, I can keep working hard and I can get there." - Stevon Lewis

Links Mentioned:

"If we don't take the time to become aware of our thinking, and we just go with our feelings, we won't be living the life that is most fulfilling." - Stevon Lewis


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