07 The Art of Joyful Living

Are you a prisoner of your negative thoughts? Do you feel like motivation is hard to come by?

Sometimes looking at the bright side is difficult or may seem impossible, and I'm glad you're here with me today because we'll be talking about some actionable steps that can help you cultivate the art of joyful living, and how to infuse your life with more joy and balance on a day to day basis.

I'm excited to help you think through how to start making positive change towards your more joy-filled life, and am really looking forward towards the development of your very own Joyful Life Vision Board (you can find the PDF below). You can make this change, so let's work on it together!

You can subscribe and listen to the Podcast on iTunes, and be sure to leave me a rating and review!

"When the world seems to be spiraling out of control...your world doesn't have to." - Kongit Farrell

Show Notes:

  • Don't root your effort in what you can't control

  • What your environment says about you (and who you want to be)

  • How your space can communicate to your subconscious

  • Learn what your environment can tell you about your real priorities

  • Why to surround yourself with the right people

  • Being empowered to work with and act upon your thoughts

  • Your negative thoughts have the key to making positive change

  • Why you should schedule more time for yourself

  • Let go of drama!

  • The benefits of serving others

  • Remind yourself daily of what you have

  • The importance of a Vision Board.... show off your dreams and the things that bring you joy!

"Learning how to practice joy and create a joy filled life really is an art." - Kongit Farrell

My Three Key Areas to Joyful Living:

  1. Space

  2. Mindset

  3. Behavior

Links Mentioned:

"Consciously start to create an environment that you cultivate to bring you feelings of joy." - Kongit Farrell


08 Erica Mendenhall - Images that Inspire: How to Create Beautiful Images for Your Joyful Life Vision Board


06 Kevin Ross - How Faith Can Help You Create the Life that You Deserve