22 Squad Goals, Japanese Style


Have you found yourself wanting more out of your sisterhood? And looking for deeper connections and stronger bonds in your friendships?

On today’s episode, we will be talking about the Japanese “Moai” (mo-eh), a small group of women with a very strong bond and who are committed to supporting each other. You will learn the benefits of this friendship and how you can start the path towards a Moai of your very own.

I have had toxic friendships in the past, full of drama and guilt, and knew there had to be a better way. If these relationship games have burned you out, this episode will get you on a better path towards a happier life. So go start your Moai and get the sisterhood of your dreams!

You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on iTunes, and be sure to leave me a Rating and Review!


“Life is meant to be enjoyed, and one of the best ways to enjoy it is with a sisterhood of great women.” – Kongit Farrell

Show Notes:

  • How Moai is different than the friendships we often cultivate
  • What you can do to bring you and your friends closer together
  • How you can develop your own Moai
  • Being clear about your expectations
  • How to know if you’re ready
  • The questions you should be asking
  • Why the greater investments reap greater rewards
“Have faith in knowing that in time you’ll find women who are the right fit.” – Kongit Farrell

5 Steps to Starting Your Moai:

  1. Be clear about what you want
  2. Be sure that you’re ready
  3. Think about who you want to be your Moai
  4. Ask!
  5. Take your time

Links Mentioned:

“Is your sisterhood in need of a shakeup?” – Kongit Farrell

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About Kongit

Kongit is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (CA – 97773) and her therapeutic approach is eclectic, but firmly rooted in CBT, Narrative and Solution-Focused methodologies. She is an EMDR therapist and is completing advanced course work in Sex Therapy at The Buehler Institute of Orange County. Kongit is the Founder of the Inspired Journey Counseling Center in Downtown Los Angeles.

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I'm ready

To know the Secret to having more peace, harmony, & joy in my relationships.




I’m ready...

To learn the Secret to having more peace, harmony, & joy in my relationships.

Here’s my name and email information. I’m tired of the drama, send me that secret now!
