29 PJ Dixon - Active Loving

Putting yourself out there is hard, especially when you’re vulnerable. Giving other people love sometimes feels like the *hardest thing* and we don’t know how to move forward. But for our guest today, the key may not be to start loving others more, but to learn to love *yourself* first.

PJ Dixon has spent his entire life living by Henry Ford's philosophy, "If you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right." Despite the disability that was expected to take his life by age seven, he is a snow skier, skydiver, former wheelchair athlete, 10th degree black belt, women's self-defense instructor, and “self-professed advocate of love”.

PJ’s compassion radiates throughout this interview and he really lives his philosophy. Today on the podcast, we’re talking about intentional love and how it all starts with loving ourselves first. Join me for this fulfilling and joyous interview of our wonderful guest, PJ Dixon!

You can subscribe and listen to the Podcast on iTunes, and be sure to leave me a rating and review!

“First you must be loved so that you can love.” - PJ Dixon

Show Notes:

  • Why PJ sees people’s outlooks as our most powerful tool for change

  • The reason to seek out challenge and encourage curiosity

  • What is intentional or active love?

  • Where you can start your journey of actively loving yourself

  • Why we need “mirror work” and journaling for our own healing

  • PJ’s uniquely spiritual childhood

  • How PJ learned to love himself so deeply

“Love is a verb, love is an action, love isn’t a thing or a place you get to; it’s an expression outwards.” - PJ Dixon

Links Mentioned:

“Life is only hard if you think that it’s hard. That which you think is what will become.” - PJ Dixon


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