Personal Reflections on Alignment

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Live the Life that You Deserve by taking one step to Align with your vision, every day.


This is something that was (and sometimes still is) a challenge for me because I am what Marie Forleo has termed “multi-passionate”. I am a multi-passionate woman to the core. As a little kid, if you would’ve asked me what I wanted to be, I’m sure I would have said “An actress and a writer and a dancer and a singer…AND I want to help people and be a philosopher…AND I want to be a wife and a mom AND I want to eat lots of cheese.” There was never just one thing.

If I was just doing acting stuff, something would hit me and I’d be like “Oh gosh! You know, I kind of want to write something like this.” Then I would write something and I’d be like “This is great. I am writing and I am acting…but I don’t know, I don’t really feel like I’m really helping people. I want to help people live better lives.” So, then I’d work with clients in therapy, but after a while I’d say “Well, I love this – but it just doesn’t feel creative enough.” ….and on and on I’d go.

Now, I want to make this very clear: Being multi-passionate doesn’t mean flaky. I always complete projects that I commit to. I have 2 degrees and I’ve worked with clients in coaching and therapy for 8 years now. I view it more as being able to and interested in doing more than one thing, but being un-certain about how to combine them in a way that feels right, and like you’re doing what you’re meant to do in life. It was a terrible feeling to have all of these things I wanted to do, but no overarching vision for how I could make everything work.

Having that experience was very demoralizing on my life journey, and frustrating, especially when I started to see my friends and peers start to excel in the one area they were focused on, and there I was, still training and practicing different crafts.

My ray of light really came when I started to work with mentors and coaches who helped me get a plan in place that honors all of my loves and helped me turn all of the little pieces of doing the things I love into a vision for my career and life.

I came to understand that it’s possible to be in Alignment with multiple passions and still be successful. You just need to create a vision that’s big enough to contain everything that you love to do, then Align yourself with that vision.

Let’s say that you want to be a Brain Surgeon. It’ll probably take you longer to do that than it would for you to become a nurse because of all of the skills that you have to develop. I believe that the same thing goes for people who are multi-passionate — your interests and talents are an indicator that you have something unique to offer.  Develop all of the skills that you’re interested in even if you might not understand how they will come together at this moment. If you keep moving forward, taking action, and having Faith – everything will come together. Align with your passions every day, until a bigger vision becomes clear, then pursue that vision unrelentingly.

Pick one of your passions and start working on it, and don’t stop until you’re at least proficient in that area. Then decide if you want to keep pursuing it. That will help you to become accomplished and skilled  in different areas instead of seeming un-focused or flaky.

This might also be a good time to start thinking about what really matters to you in life so that you can start developing your bigger vision: Are there things that you really want to do? A code you want to live by? People you want to be around? Experiences you want to have? All of the above? None?

What really does it for you in life?

Maybe it’s a feeling — whatever that it is, get it down on some paper even if you’re just writing “Hey, I want to feel joy every day and I want to be creative.” That’s a great start. Write about your thoughts and feelings in as much detail as possible, and continue to reflect as we explore Alignment for the rest of this month. Just having alignment as something in your consciousness this month will help bring you clarity.

And you know what else? Being in Alignment with your passions and life vision will invite magic into your life. You’ll start to meet people. Opportunities will come your way. You’ll love. You’ll let go. You’ll learn lessons. You’ll grow. You’ll improve. And one day, you’ll just kind of look up – and there you’ll be, living in Alignment with the Life that You Imagined for yourself.

If that’s feels like the right kind of life for you, the first step is: Pick a passion and Align yourself with it by work on it everyday until you’re proficient.

The content and trainings that I’ve created for you this month are designed to help you do just that, so if you check in on my Facebook Page every day and commit to doing the free exercises. When you do, you’ll welcome more clarity and Alignment into your life as you start walking the path that leads to the wonderful Life that You Deserve.

Start t today!

Wishing you the best in life and love,



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  1. […] If you missed last month’s offerings on Alignment you can click here to read my personal reflection, and here for a beautiful (and FREE) Day Planner that I designed to […]

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About Kongit

Kongit is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (CA – 97773) and her therapeutic approach is eclectic, but firmly rooted in CBT, Narrative and Solution-Focused methodologies. She is an EMDR therapist and is completing advanced course work in Sex Therapy at The Buehler Institute of Orange County. Kongit is the Founder of the Inspired Journey Counseling Center in Downtown Los Angeles.

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