Let’s Collaborate


Have a look at my offerings and select the one that best meets your needs at this time. I look forward to starting our Healing Conversation so that you can experience healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

When you’re ready to Invest in Love, I’m here.

*Due to limitations set forth by Covid-19, all sessions are conducted online through a military grade, HIPPA secured online platform. However, exceptions can be made for socially distanced intensive sessions at your private residence, on set or on location. Prices for these sessions are listed below, please contact me for further information*


individual therapy

couples counseling

sex therapy





  • Legacy Love is healthy, peaceful, harmonious, and it gives you the relationship stability you’ll need to nurture your union while attending to the logistical, visionary, and growth aspects of marriage.

    In addition to personal comfort and satisfaction, this quality of relationship is for couples who want to build a healthy family and an enduring marriage that has the potential to impact the world and future generations through its endeavors.

  • The key to creating a Legacy marriage that stands the test of time is creating a strong foundation before the marriage starts.

    This foundation has 6 Core Elements:

    • Shared Vision

    • Interpersonal Skills

    • Healthy Communication Skills

    • Conflict Transformation Skills

    • Intimate Understanding

    • Logistics & Operations

    Once these core elements are in place, it’s easier for the marriage to grow. With a strong foundation and collaborative connection, partners can take care of themselves and each other as they take on new endeavors. Having a shared vision and skills gives partners the confidence, courage, and commitment to overcome any challenges that may arise.

  • We start with customized couples and individual assessments to get a baseline reading of where you are right now, both as individuals and as a couple.

    We then review and discuss the findings and explore how they relate to each of the core relationship elements listed above.

    Lastly, we’ll focus on developing the skills that you’ll need to bring your marriage vision to life and sustain it over time.

    You’ll walk away with a customized blueprint of your shared marriage vision and a better understanding of yourself, your partner, the gifts that each of you bring to the table, and areas for growth.

Are you ready?

With these tools and insights, you’ll develop the confidence, mindset, and skills you’ll need to make your vision of a healthy, lasting marriage your reality.


  • *12 – 16 SESSIONS



  • You have so many dreams and aspirations that you have the talent and ability to fulfill as a couple. Don’t let annoyances and unresolved grievances jeopardize your relationship.

    Couples Counseling can help you learn how to stop fighting and resolve your concerns so that you can experience more comfort, fun, fulfillment, and pleasure in your relationship.

    As an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist and Gottman-trained Couples Therapist, I provide expert-level care on all issues related to a couple’s relationship and sexual experience. The benefit of my advanced training for you is that you don’t have to look elsewhere for support regarding intimate issues – I’ve got you covered.

  • Topics to explore will be tailored to fit your unique needs and can include:

    • Transcending maladaptive mindset, behavior, and communication patterns.

    • Mastering the skills that lead to relational harmony.

    • Communicating in ways that honor your partner.

    • Co-creating a passionate and satisfying sex life.

    • Prioritizing your relationship and each other.

    • Learning how to fall in love over (and over) again.

    • Staying connected through pregnancy and the postpartum journey.

    Whether you need a little help with a communication issue or you’re struggling with a persistent intimate concern, I can help you improve your knowledge, understanding, and relationship skills. You’ll walk away, feeling more aligned and connected so that you can experience more joy in your daily lives.

  • All great relationships begin with a shared vision. It establishes the blueprint and guidelines that you’ll use to create a healthy and more fulfilling union moving forward. If you already have a shared vision, it’s a good idea to update it regularly since needs tend to change over time.

    To create or clarify your vision, we’ll conduct customized couples and individual assessments to get a baseline reading of where you are right now, both as individuals and as a couple. We then review and discuss the findings and explore how they relate to your shared vision.

    Next, we’ll laser-focus on overcoming maladaptive mindsets and habits so that you can develop the skills that you’ll need to bring your relationship vision to life and to sustain it over time.

    Lastly, we’ll test and refine your skills over a variety of relationship situations until you feel confident in your new approach.

Are you ready?

*While the recommended treatment duration for this plan is 12-16 sessions, it is just an estimate. The actual time may vary depending on what we uncover during the initial session and throughout our work together. We will consistently evaluate treatment duration throughout our collaboration.

individual therapy

  • *12 – 16 SESSIONS



  • Even when life is good, and you’re doing well by most accounts, hiccups and relationship challenges always come along. If you’re not mindful and aren’t able to respond appropriately, they can end up taking a toll on your mental health and impact your ability to accomplish your goals.

    The good news is that the better equipped you are to deal with internal challenges as they arise, the more resilient you’ll be (and the quicker you’ll be able to get back on your game).

    Using evidence-based techniques and pulling from the latest research in neuroscience, clinical psychology, and mental health therapy, I’ve helped hundreds of highly successful professionals increase their relational and psychological literacy.

    The result? Increased ability to manage emotions, relationships, and environments; improved self-confidence and empathy, more profound awareness and of understanding self and others, and the capacity to respond more adaptively to challenges.

    In other words – a comprehensively more satisfying and higher functioning life.

  • Topics to explore during our sessions will be tailored to fit your unique needs and can include:

    • Transcending maladaptive mindset, behavior, and communication patterns that stand in the way of you accomplishing your goals.

    • Mastering the skills that lead to relational harmony and satisfaction.

    • Connecting well with others.

    • Reconnecting to vision and purpose.

    • Adapting through challenging emotions and feelings of Depression, Anxiety, Fear, Stress, and/or Grief.

    • Increasing self-value and worth.

    • Consciously choosing relationships that honor you, releasing those that don’t.

    • Preparing for lasting love with a quality partner who’s value and vision-aligned.

    • Exploring new dimensions in healthy intimacy.

    • Overcoming cultural and/or systemic forms of imposed limitation.

  • We start with a customized assessment to get a baseline reading of where you are right now and how you’d like things to change moving forward.

    We then review and discuss the findings and outline a treatment plan that included specific, customized goals and interventions.

    Next, we’ll laser-focus on overcoming maladaptive mindsets and habits so that you can develop the skills that you’ll need to stop doing what no longer serves you and to do more of what brings your mental health and relationship vision to life.

    Lastly, we’ll test and refine your skills over a variety of relationship situations until you feel confident in your new approach and can sustain it over time.

    I’d love to talk to you more about how we can work together to achieve your mental health goals. Fill out my confidential form and tell me a bit more about what’s going on in your life, and I’ll send you more information about I can support you as you heal.

Are you ready?

*While the recommended treatment duration for this plan is 12-16 sessions, it is just an estimate. The actual time may vary depending on what we uncover during the initial session and throughout our work together. We will consistently evaluate treatment duration throughout our collaboration.

sex therapy

  • 8-10 SESSIONS



  • Sex can be one of the most potent natural sources of happiness in life, and can be enjoyed for pleasure, procreation, connection, and a wide range of experiences in between. If you aren’t satisfied with your sexual practice, please know – you don’t have to settle.

    You can have a healthy and satisfying sex life, and Sex Therapy (basically, therapy that focuses on sexuality) can help you understand what’s getting in the way of that.

    Sometimes it’s a physical challenge; other times, it’s a mindset, past wound, or emotional issue that inhibits healthy sexual experiences. Whatever the case may be, Sex Therapy can help you build a healthy relationship with your sexuality so that you can enjoy more pleasurable intimate experiences on your own or with a partner.

  • Topics to explore during our sessions will be tailored to fit your unique needs and can include:

    Medical Concerns:

    • Vaginismus

    • Dyspareunia

    • Pelvic Pain / Pelvic Floor Concerns

    • Improving Orgasm Quality

    • Anorgasmia

    • Lack of Desire

    • Erectile Dysfunction

    • Premature Ejaculation

    • Delayed Ejaculation

    • Pregnancy and Post-Partum Changes

    Relational Challenges:

    • Love Addiction

    • Co-Dependence

    • Commitment Phobia

    • Choosing Aligned Partners

    • Expressing Intimate Needs & Concerns

    • Disclosure Scripts

  • We start with a customized assessment to get a baseline reading of where you are right now with your sexuality and how you’d like things to change moving forward.

    We then review and discuss the findings and outline a treatment plan that included specific, customized goals and interventions.

    Next, we’ll laser-focus on overcoming maladaptive mindsets and habits so that you can develop the skills that you’ll need to stop doing what no longer serves you and to dor more of what brings your intimate vision to life.

    Lastly, we’ll test and refine your skills over a variety of relationship situations until you feel confident in your new approach and can sustain it over time.

    As a Sex Therapist, I provide expert-level services based on the latest health research. I can assure you that this isn’t the therapy of 1975 – there are things that we can do to help with almost any sexual concern.

    Fill out this confidential form and tell me a bit more about what’s going on, and I’ll send you more information about I can help you get the healthy sex that you deserve.

Are you ready?

*While the recommended treatment duration for this plan is 8-10 sessions, it is just an estimate. The actual time may vary depending on what we uncover during the initial session and throughout our work together. We will consistently evaluate treatment duration throughout our collaboration.

Let's co-create a Healing Conversation that will affirm, guide, nurture, and (gently) challenge you to move beyond the pain of the past and into the healthy, peaceful and vibrant relationships

that you deserve