Radical Times Call for Radical Self Care

Take Radically Good Care of Yourself.

That’s the only way you’ll be able to stay strong and focused on fulfilling your destiny, especially when it looks like the world is spiraling out of control.

You can’t allow yourself to burn out, get pulled down, or be distracted from pursuing the important destiny that you were put on this planet to fulfill because of another person’s suffering.

Even if you love them. Even if they’ve suffered injustice. Even if – whatever.

Be kind and supportive, but know where your personal care boundary lies, because here’s the truth – you won’t be doing anything great or really helping others if you’re not OK.

Focus on YOU and getting yourself into a good position first, then focus your energy on the people and causes that you want to support.

I know that can be challenging to read, especially if you’re empathetic and you truly care about making the world a better place – but please keep this in mind: Making the world a better place starts with making yourself a better person.

Develop more of what you wish the world had within yourself, and then express those attributes.

Goodness, and all of the other virtuous qualities, live inside of you and come into the world when you express them. That’s actually the only way that they come into the world….

And you won’t be able to bring those qualities into the world if you’re sick, tired, burned out, or stressed out.

So this month, after you've attended to whatever feelings you have about the state of the world, shared your voice and taken positive action as you feel necessary, I encourage you to re-focus your attention by looking within and making sure that your own needs are being heard and respected.

This month’s video encourages you to invite Radical Self Care into your life by cultivating it as a daily mindset.

Click on the image above to watch and to take a simple (but powerful) step towards taking better care of yourself today.

You are the Sun of your world, and when you shine strong and bright, everyone in your solar system benefits from your radiance.

We all need you to be your best self, and that only happens when you’re focused and taking radically good care of yourself.

Take a few moments to take RADICAL care of yourself right now by watching this video and following the suggestion.

You’ll thank yourself for the extra attention and love.

wishing you the best always,


PS — After you watch this month’s video check out the Facebook Page for daily doses of Gratitude inspiration this month!


01 Three Key Benefits to Developing a Balanced Lifestyle


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