54 Jo-Na Williams - The Power of Legal Protection
Jo-Na Williams is an attorney, advisor, speaker, coach, and founder of the artist empowerment firm JA Williams Law. Since 2011, JA Williams Law has provided artists, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders with ways to successfully navigate their careers, as well as providing assistance with business and intellectual property matters. Some of Jo-Na's clients have gone on to write best selling books, create award winning blogs, be nominated for Grammys, been listed in the Billboard Hot 100, on the Amazon and iTunes top album charts, and have received local and international acclaim. She has also been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Fortune, Black Enterprise, MarieTV, the Root and has spoken at Facebook, LinkedIn, New York University, and Rent The Runway, among others. Jo-Na was recently named one of the "Top 40 Lawyers Under 40 In The Country" by the National Black Lawyers, and is licensed to practice law in NYC.
Listen in to learn how to embrace the law in your business, why to set your legal boundaries, and why having a contract is best when collaborating with others.
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"I don't believe that legal is something that deters people from working with you. I think that it allows people to want to work with you because they know that if you're taking care of your side of the business, they know that you will take care of theirs." - Jo-Na Williams
Show Notes:
How Jo-Na approaches law in a holistic way
Why introducing a contract as a creative professional will help much more than it could hurt you
How contracts benefit both parties in a relationship
The importance of setting legal and taxation guides for you as a business or sole proprietor
Why cutting corners in your legal issues in your business can be indicative of other entrepreneurial problems
How an attorney like Jo-Na can help you find out the unknown unknowns of your business
Why getting legal issues figured out before your business venture will help in every way
How a good lawyer doesn't have a one-size-fits-all solution, and will work with you to find the best fit