35 Dr. Michele Summers Colon - Cultivating & Maintaining A Healthy Immune System
Our guest today on The Stay Inspired Podcast is Dr. Michele Summers Colon. Dr. Michele is a surgeon, health coach, yoga teacher, podcaster, and author who helps women create balanced, healthy lives by looking at the whole picture. She uses Eastern and Western approaches to healing and has been featured on USA Today, USA News and World Reports, and Bloomberg, among others.
Listen in to learn about the Ayurvedic practice, the full role of our immune system, and what lifestyle choices lead to our most healthy self.
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“When we’re in balance, doing all the right things and our body is strong, then our immune system will be strong and we will be able to fight [sickness] off.” - Dr. Michele Summers Colon
Show Notes:
What our immune system really does and it’s role in keeping us healthy
The importance of keeping a healthy immune system
Michele’s advice for how to shop healthy at your grocery store
The three most important things to keeping a healthy immune system
Why getting enough quality sleep is so important
What different ways people have to reduce their stress
“Immune health is not like a race, it’s more like a marathon; it’s something we’re going to work on every day, like every other facet of our health.” - Dr. Michele Summers Colon
Links Mentioned:
Listen to Dr. Michele's podcast, "Body Wisdom with Dr. Michele"
Learn more about Ayurvedic medicine
Connect with Dr. Michele Summers Colon: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Website