46 Anna-Thea - How to Nurture and Care for "Her"

Our guest today on The Stay Inspired Podcast is author and speaker Anna-Thea, who is dedicated to helping women feel more sensually alive and speak confidently from their hearts. She offers practical solutions for women with body image, food, and/or intimacy relationship issues. Her book, "Empower Yourself By Loving Your Body" and her blog offer women new insights and empowering perspectives on what it means to be a woman in our society.

Many women have grown up with a view of sexuality that is not only unhealthy, but can also be harmful to them and their relationships. Anna-Thea introduces us to the concept of our "yoni" as women, keeping a healthy relationship with it, and the importance of connecting with our sexuality.

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“We've really only touched the tip of the iceberg in the realm of female sexual responsiveness.” - Anna-Thea

Show Notes:

  • The importance of truly understanding your sexual biology

  • What the yoni is

  • Why you need to really get comfortable with your yoni

  • The many different elements of the yoni

  • How the different elements of the yoni relate to pleasure

  • How the male and female sexual responses differ

  • Why women should have dates with themselves and their own bodies

  • How our guest helps women connect more deeply to their yoni through her course

“What's interesting about the clitoris is that it is the only organ that has one purpose, which is pleasure.” - Anna-Thea

Links Mentioned:

“I'd like the female listeners to really understand and know that they have a sacred space.” - Anna-Thea


47 Terra Winston - How to Change Careers Without Starting at the Bottom


45 Kim Coles - Spiritual Resilience